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  • Suggestions on my next car lease/purchase...?

    I am debating on whether to get a larger vehicle (midsize SUV, sports wagon or mid to large sedan) OR sporty car (2+2 or 2-seater) as my next car. I got time, but I'm having a tough time deciding. We currently have a midsize sedan and a compact sedan. I'm looking to replace the compact sedan right now. We don't have kids right now, but if we do, it might be 1-2 yrs before it actually happens.

    Pros for the larger car are practicality, cargo space(also a con because I become the designated mover for all friends and family which can be a pain if it happens too often), not needing to drive 2 cars when family visits, makes going camping more convenient.

    Cons for larger car are its gas guzzling abilities, parking and the fact that I like to cars with better handling.

    Pros for a sporty car are fun factor, handling, good for weekend getaways.

    Cons for sporty car are lack of space, potential gas guzzling.

    If you where in my shoes, which type of car would you go with?

    8 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago