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Lv 725,255 points

Doom Shepherd

Favourite answers37%

The philosopher Seneca said "There is no genius without some touch of madness." And I dedicated myself to proving him right. I'm a Librarian. We control information. "Know everything" is right there in the job description. Deep inside me, there's a small child trying to get out... And deep inside that small child is a raving maniac, trying to get out. I own a copy of every Star Trek book ever written... I'm going to marry the woman who's impressed by that.

  • What Counts as Local Tax?

    I'm filling out my Real Estate Form (Schedule L), it says "add state and local real estate taxes." I pay school, city, and county taxes. Which can I add?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • About Evangelical Atheism?

    As an OLD atheist, I left the whole "I need to tell other people how stupid their beliefs are" behind many years ago. It became pretty obvious to me that there are plenty of atheists out there who believe in things just as silly, if not moreso.

    Look at all our fellow atheists who practcally worship Marx like he was a prophet, or have little Che Guevara "iconography" all over their apartments. (It doesn't WORK, kids!)

    So I wonder, knowing that people from "the other side" who harangue and get in our faces because of our lack of beliefs are really just annoying a**holes, will other people look back on these times in their lives, through the dark glass of maturity, see themselves behaving in the same way, and say "man, I was just as poorly-behaved as the people I despised?"

    Or will they see themselves as worse, because, as the "more civilized, rational people," they ought to have known better?

    I doubt it, but I just thought I'd check.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How about the First Church of STFU?

    I'd like to propose the creation of a new religious organization, the First Church of STFU.

    Our only rule would be: You are free to believe in whatever you like, and to let that belief influence your thoughts and actions to whatever extent you feel is appropriate... but you are never, EVER, to discuss your private religio us beliefs with anyone else, unless you are asked to do so by that person.

    I believe this would fit quite nicely with the philosophy expressed by Jesus in Matthew 6:6, as well as a large number of other philosophies, including atheist ones.

    Since it was my idea, I'm in charge. Tithing is a mere 1%.

    Who would be in with this?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I'm being impersonated?

    I am being impersonated by another user, calling himself "Doom Shepherd Clone 2012."

    He is apparently a 2012-obsessed maniac who is upset that I am answering people's questions about those conspiracy theories in a way that does not agree with his own.

    I have reported him, of course, but is there anything else YA can do about him? Preferably, something like an IP ban?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago