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Favourite answers15%
  • How many bottles of champagne should I purchase to serve 80 people?

    What do you think? We're going to have around 80 people at our wedding, and let's face it, most of us will probably be drinking all night. We'll have beer and wine as well, so we'll probably keep the champagne unopened until we cut the cake, but we want to have enough of it for everyone to participate in the toast. What say all you fine, food-savvy people? How many bottles should we buy?

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Can I use an older version of Microsoft office on my new HP?

    I'm not the most computer literate person and nobody seems to be able to give me a straight answer, so any advice would be helpful! When I went to purchase my new HP laptop, the salesman told me I had no choice but to buy the newest version of Microsoft Office (or Word) because it's the only version of Microsoft Office that will work with my HP's Vista system. Is this true? I have a friend with Microsoft Office 2002, and I'm wondering if that'll work just fine. I don't need a fancy word processor--I just need something basic that can crank out term papers. Any help from people who (obviously) know more than me would be great!

    10 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What does it mean to partition a hard drive?

    I'm getting a new laptop and have run across people that have suggested I partition the hardrive. It would be great advice...if I knew what the heck they were talking about :( Can somebody with computer skills give me the layman's version to help me out? And your opinion on partitioning?

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • New Vegetarian Type Diet...thingie?

    During the past couple months after declaring Anthropology my major, I decided to try to stop eating meat--especially red meat. Surprisingly, it was easier than I expected to give up the meat--I don't miss the taste at all. I am, however, wondering a bit about variety of vegetarian food; and I've been awful about eating alternate sources of protein, mostly because my food knowledge is next to nill. Somebody help me out here! 1.) What are some alternate sources of protein I could indulge in, and 2.) Some good vegetarian meals/recipies? I love to cook, so that shouldn't be an issue.

    One thing I don't like (and don't shoot me, please) is pasta. But I do looooove bread.

    11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Do Fundamentalists ever make you upset?

    Whether they be Christian, Islamic, their extremely rigid views on religion ever make you a little sad? Do they ever make you feel like humanity is tearing itself apart through legalism? Sometimes it makes me a bit blue.

    I'm just curious to see if I'm the only one.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What kind of grade point average does it take to get into a U.C.?

    Just seems to vary with the campuses, by research.

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Is the Christian Church too legalistic on issues like Gay/Interfaith marriages? Your thoughts.?

    I was just thinking about it after I researched some related questions and saw some of the answers written by Christian people. A good deal (not all) of them seemed very poorly supported, narrow-minded, and most of all, completely lacking the love and kindness that Christ vowed we should show our neighbor. When asking myself why it could be that way, I concluded that perhaps legalism as pervaded PARTS (not all) of the church; it seems like a pretty decent, if partial, answer. I'm a Christian myself, and I have no problem with people being gay or interfaith marriages; I also don't have a problem with people who don't agree with those things. What I DO have a problem with is when people from either side are rude, hurtful, or give the reason of "Just because"--and honestly, it seems to come much more often from the Christian side. This worries me, because if a call of Christians is to live as a beacon of love, what kind of message are we communicating with this?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you get a man for his birthday?

    My boyfriend is coming home in two weeks (he's away at school) and he keeps playfully asking me what I've purchased for his birthday (which is tomorrow, Nov. 7th). I haven't actually gotten him anything yet, because I want to get him something special, something great! I have till the day before Thanksgiving to wrangle something. Any suggestions? Men are so hard to buy for!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can a Christian marry an Agnostic/Existentialist?

    My fiance and love each other we compliment each other wonderfully. The only thing we don't see perfectly eye to eye on is religion. He calls himself an Existentialist, which is different from Agnostic. My boyfriend is a truely amazing testament to God's grace, as he's been through many horrifying incidents; but I can see why he would question the existence of a loving God when so many awful things have happened to him. I was very honest from the beginning, telling him my physical limits and morals; he's never tried to overstep them once. I told him when we first talked about marriage that it was important that I have a Christian ceremony, and raise my children to be Christian (Or take them to Temple, as he's culturally Jewish). He agreed wholeheartedly; he's even attended church with me multiple times. I believe interfaith marriages are possible, but they are challenging, and most people would rather avoid the extra stress than deal with the extra dynamics. Any opinions?

    11 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago