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For the Undecided, have you made your decision on who to vote for?

I know this should not be used for rant, chat or as a forum. But I have read a lot in answers about the election and I have something to say. I apologize in advance.

I am a registered Democrat and have voted Democrat in every presidential election save for Reagans 1st term. I have been waiting for the candidates to show meet something different before making up my mind.

Both parties have run negative campaigns with many lies about all parties concerned. It turned out the be the Same Old S--- (SOS). There was no change.

But Sen. Obama has raised and spent more money than any political candidate in the history of the USA. He spent over $3 million on an infomercial while we are still trying to house victims of Katrina and Ike, while our economy is in a deep recession, while people are losing their homes and pensions (Do you know that $3 million can buy 500,000 meals for the elderly and children?). He said he is for Change that We Need. I don't need that kind of change. He is giving the SOS.

Therefore, I am voting for Sen. John McCain in this election. I hope you other undecideds follow me. Thank you.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    If they made a decision, they are no longer undecided, are they?

  • 1 decade ago

    I generally agree that voting for the candidate who has less money is a good idea. Obama is an odd case -- the number of small donations he's received is stunning, he has a lot more of ordinary people's money: a $20 donation doesn't make you a powerful special interest. McCain has less money, but more of it in big chunks from more powerful special interests.

    I'd like to live in an ideal world without negative campaigning. But I'm not sure we do, and I'm tired of the Democrats not standing up when attacked. I recommend that everyone do a careful analysis of who hits first and dirtiest: you wont find anything coming out of the Dems that looks like the McCain commercial pretending that Obama supported sex ed for kindergartners (when it was "don't let strangers touch you" education). The Dems have said McCain said he would keep the troops in Iraq for a 100 years, which was a soundbite version of what McCain said and accurate but easily misinterpretted. The Dems have mostly been critical of McCain for his policies and choices; the Rove attack machine is going full-blast trying to attack Obama's character. It takes a lot of money to counter things like the robo-calls, I wish it didn't.

    Also, of all the money spent on yard-signs and sound-bite commercials [many many millions by both candidates], a 30-minute "infomercial" is probably the least controversial to me... finally something besides the soundbites that fit on TV news.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree because that money was raised by people who donated their hard earned dollars for him to use for EXACTLY that purpose. I donated and would have been PISSED off if he would have used it for something else. And oh by the way, I am registered as an Independent, voted for Clinton once and Bush JR twice... I was in High School when Bush Sr. was running but I campaigned for him when he ran against Clinton the first time. Just so we know where the political cards lie.

    If you want to talk squandering money, look at the 150,000 dollars that was spent on Sarah Palin's wardrobe that will oh yeah be donated to charity. Please. She could have been dressed nicely for a whole lot less. The average donation to Obama's campaing was $86 last month. That tells me something. A whole LOTTA people wanted him to be able to spread his message. Now, all that said, it is foolish that so much money is going abroad under Mr. Bush when we have such need at home. Do you really think that Mr. McCain is going to change that and suddenly help those who need it here? If your logic is that people in the US need help first and foremost, I think you've chosen the wrong candidate to support.

  • Betsy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Regardless of how many MORE Obama's funds would have fed...McCains would have fed many, MANY as well. They are both guilty of that.

    I was undecided until about 3 weeks ago and voted the day after early voting opened here... for Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I was a Democrat but changed recently.

    This is why:

    Senate Bill: HR 4297- Exempts those filing a joint return on $62,550 or less and those filing a single return on $42,500 or less from the alternative minimum tax for taxable years beginning in 2006 (Sec. 301).

    Obama voted NO

    McCain voted Yes

    Obama voted in essence not to lower taxes on anyone single making $42,000 or less and married making $62,550 or less

  • Edward
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I already voted for the Libertarian candidate Bob Barr...see below why

    and please let me know what you think

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