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Am I right to be upset about my manager texting me when I’m off the clock?

I work for a company that has around 30 employees. The work schedule is Monday through Friday. The company is closed on weekends. There’s been times that my manager asks me if I can stay late and I have worked overtime even some Saturdays. I have felt stupid going on Saturdays because it seems like I’m the only employee that goes while everyone else is enjoying their weekend. Anyways, my manager has texted me when I’m off from work to ask my availability to work. This is something she can tell me at work face to face but she textos me at random times. Even one day during my lunch break she texted me to ask me a stupid question.

Well today she really pissed me off. It’s Saturday and she sends me a text around 4 pm asking if I could go to work tonight because of an emergency situation. I told her I had things to do because it’s not fair that I have to rush to work on my day off. I’ve already sacrificed my Saturdays to help her while all the other stupid employees had the weekend to themselves. Did I do the right thing to say no this time or was I suppose to drop everything and get to work? If she’s a manager she needs to fix whatever problem there is. She gets paid more than me, while I get paid mínimum wage.

One time she made me clean the cafeterias of the company and that’s not my role. I don’t want to continue being a doormat and being available without ever having time for myself. Was I suppose to drop everything to help her or I have the right to my own space ?


I don’t understand why I said something inappropriate, according to most of you. My response was that I couldn’t go because I had things to do and I apologized. I didn’t say anything else. Maybe I didn’t explain myself the right way. And as I said before, I have always helped her out but it’s fair for me to have some time to myself too. If I’m in the middle of something, do I have to quit what I’m doing and get to work quickly? It’s not like I’m the only employee in that company

4 Answers

  • You have a right to say no once in a while, but what you said was inappropriate and unprofessional. All you had to say was no I can't come in this time, maybe next time. She will move onto who ever else is available. 

    If you don't want to work on weekends, turn your phone to silent mode. Don't answer if she texts you. 

    She's a manager and probably has some experience being one, so she's going to get payed more then you. If she needs help she's going to text you, because she knows you won't turn her down. 

  • John
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    Your reply was inappropriate.  If you didn't want to work that evening, a simple reply of, "Sorry, I'm not available tonight," would have sufficed. 

    As mentioned in the other responses, you need to give some thought to your attitudes about work.  It is important to set reasonable limits on how much extra time at work you will put in.  Your attitude toward work in general, however, is very bad.  "She needs to fix whatever problem...,the other stupid employees...that's not my role," are all glaring red flags.  

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    You aren't worth anything more than minimum wage, if that. Your behavior was a disgrace.  No, it was not ok to tell her that.  And she was trying to fix the problem - she called you.  I don't think you are ever going to make anything more than minimum wage.  Not unless you change your whining, complaining, entitled attitude - to start.

  • 2 weeks ago

    You can tell her "no".

    She will start offering other employees instead of you opportunities.

    Thank goodness Y!A is going away so we don't have to hear about how you are stuck in a dead end job and don't get raises. 

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