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What advice can you please give about budgeting my time and juggling three work-related projects at once?

Hi. I want to work as a work-from-home transcriptionist but I need to train myself how to do that first. I have the equipment I need - a transcription headset and a foot pedal.

I want to learn how to voice act professionally for cartoons I want to produce. I signed up for an online voice over training program. I want to publish and monetize my own animated cartoons and comics online. I am waiting to get what I need so I can turn my den into a sound studio and work the program.

I want to teach myself how to use Flash, Quark Express, Illustrator and Photoshop - four different art programs - through an online learning system called The Metrix Learning System. This is a FREE system provided to me through my local employment center. I am going to teach myself how to use these art programs for FREE, so I can produce my own animation and comics. I need to get the okay from the head of my local employment center to use the system and explain to him WHY I want to learn these art programs. I want to learn how to use them so I can produce my own animated cartoons and comics. However with this system there is an allotted time for which I can learn the software between the time I log in and log out of the system.

I still want to learn how to use Adobe Flash even though online support for it officially ended.

Time is an issue.

What advice can you give about budgeting my time and juggling these three projects at once? They are all work-related.

Please help. Thank you.

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