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Lv 44,589 points

Bob Johnson

Favourite answers55%

1. Actually a 17 year old girl 2. Studying Philosophy and Literature 3. That is all you need to know about me.

  • Why do I make so many mistakes when I type?

    When I type my research paper, my teacher complains about how there are grammatical mistakes in almost every sentence, and he does not understand because the essays I write during exams or test conditions are in perfect english. And I found this very strange. I mean, I didn't check both but why is it so different?

    Is it due to the fact that I typed the paper or maybe because I am writing about a subject that I don't usually write about? I don't get it.

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • How to stop stepmother from taking my stuff?

    My mother bought me a diamond necklace for my 17th birthday and I always wear it because of sentimental reasons. But my school did not allow it, so I took it off at put it in my dresser. After about a month, I tried to find it but it was gone, and at first I panicked, thinking that I somehow misplaced it. Then I found it in my stepmom's jewelry case. I was so pissed.

    This is not the first time this has happened, she took this other pendant that my mom gave me too. She also has a tendency to take any moderately expensive new clothes (skirts, tops, jumpsuit... etc.) and wear them before I do. If I see them on her and comment on it "that looks familiar... etc." she will just laugh and say that its really comfortable or something.

    This is super annoying because I never go shopping and all the nice stuff I have my mom buys them for me, not her. And she tends to wear them and stretch them out, or ruin the zip. It's ridiculous because they don't even fit her and they are definitely not age-appropriate for her. (one of them is a short school girl skirt for gods sake)

    I never confronted her because I try my best to make our relationship diplomatic, she dotes on my brother (her son) and does not really like me.

    14 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Why is YA literature so shitty?

    I've read Twilight, Hush Hush and Mortal Instruments. And they were all terrible terrible books. Not only is the writing lackluster, there is an abundance of Mary Sues. But the thing that bugs me the most is that they, especially Twilight and Hush Hush, have such weak and useless heroines who fall in love with potentially abusive boyfriends, the relationships are just so unhealthy.

    Are there any well written YA books, like Harry Potter?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is this poem about lesbian sex?

    My lit teacher claims it is, although I don't really see it. She just said it was about that and refused to answer when we asked why.

    Crab - Fleur Adcock

    Late at night we wrench open a crab,

    flesh bursts out of its cup

    in pastel colours. The dark fronds attract me.

    Poison, you say, Dead Men's Fingers -

    don't put them in your mouth, stop!

    They brush over my tongue, limp and mossy,

    until you snatch them from me, as you snatch

    yourself, gently, if i come too close.

    Here are the permitted parts of the crab,

    wholesome on their nests of lettuce

    and we are safe again in words.

    All day the kitchen smells of sea.

    Oh and serious answers please?

  • Is this poem about lesbian sex?

    My literature teacher claims that it is. I don't see it though.

    Crab - Fleur Adcock

    Late at night we wrench open a crab,

    flesh bursts out of its cup

    in pastel colours. The dark fronds attract me.

    Poison, you say, Dead Men's Fingers -

    don't put them in your mouth, stop!

    They brush over my tongue, limp and mossy,

    until you snatch them from me, as you snatch

    yourself, gently, if i come too close.

    Here are the permitted parts of the crab,

    wholesome on their nests of lettuce

    and we are safe again in words.

    All day the kitchen smells of sea.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do colleges take into account SAT attempts?

    I didn't do that well for my first SAT attempt, it was 2050. But I managed to improve on my second try and I got 2320. Do colleges penalize me for attempting twice? When do admissions start in the US? I do not study in the US so I don't know.

    4 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • SAT score 2320, what does that mean?

    I'm not studying in the US, so I am not sure about the details of applying for college. Where can this score get me and what else do I need? What is GPA and ACT? Do I need to take the subject tests? Do my A levels factor into the application process?

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago