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Yayoo Answers- Has My Account Been Blocked?
Can open questions but are automaticly put on blank screen.
What's the issue?
Notices and Errors2 years agoWhy Is Our POTUS Such A POS Person?
A young girl presents her issuses in front of the UN about climate change and He closes his eyes and mocks her. What an A-H!!!!
7 AnswersGeography2 years agoAre You Excited?
POTUS Pirate, who dodged the draft several times wants a MILITARY PARADE in DC.
7 AnswersPolitics2 years agoTriumph Riders- Were Any Of You On the TRIUMPH ACROSS AMERICA rally back in 2003?
Met the group coming from Maine in Salt Lake City, rode with them to the end in Pasadenda, CA.
1 AnswerMotorcycles2 years agoTriumph Riders- Did Anyone Of You Ride TRIUMPH ACROSS AMERICA Rally Back In 2003?
The Rally started in Maine and ended in Pasadena, Ca.
Since I'm from SoCall I met the group in Salt Lake City. Cheers!
1 AnswerMotorcycles2 years agoWould You Help A Level 7 User On A GoFund-Me?
This not for me.
My nephew's wife was in a serious single vehical accident, multiple bones broken (one a compound of the femur), internal injuries, etc. Been in ICU for 5 days.
They do have some insurance but my nephew has been spending more than half his day at the hospital so not working for money to pay for stuff.
They are both great people, parents, grandparents.
Her name is Sandra Marsh at Palamar Hospital in Escondido,CA.
If you can help, THANK YOU!!!
2 AnswersInjuries2 years agoTrump-lovers Love Their Dictator Who Loves Other Dictators?
Donald bends over for Kim-Un, Putin, Maduro and Saudi Princes. Almost spits in the face of any country's leader that doesn't agree with his BS.
Hey red-wingers you have elected a moron to TRY to run this country with stupid promises to MAGA.
Dip-sh!ts- America has been great for many years. Donald hasn't changed that, he has only made the US the laughing point to other country's jokes.
7 AnswersPolitics2 years agoIsn't Trump The Proof?
That any US citizen can be President.
If enough morons follow/vote for the other moron.
Don't worry Agent Orange will cure the situation if the Wind blows that cancer all over the country.
8 AnswersPolitics2 years agoHow Many Types Of Motorcycles Have You Owned/ridden?
Was just thinking of all the bikes I've owned over the years, thought about asking others.
Here's my list-
Started by riding on the back of my uncle's HD at 9 yo.
Rebuilt a home-made dirt-scoot with a B&S engine at 13.
First new bike- Honda Super 90.
A Greeves 360 Challenger (fun bike).
A stripped-drop Yamaha enduro 250.
Rebuild a Hodoka (sp) 125.
A Sachs 175.
A Husky 250.
A KTM 250
3 or 4 Yamaha YZ 250s.
A Kawie 450 twin.
A BMW 650 GS.
A pristine '80 Honda 650, close to showroom.
A '70 Triumph 500 Tiger.
Present bikes are a Yamaha YZ 450F and a Triumph Tiger 955i.
May have left out a few.
Have borrowed a few bikes from friends to race road-track, don't remember all of them but do remember the tracks, twice at Lagona Seca and three times a Willows Springs.
All a greaqt time.
22 AnswersMotorcycles2 years agoHow Many Miles Have You Traveled On Motorcycles (app)?
Hard to count for me, have over 100K on street bikes maybe more but spent hours and hours riding dirt-bikes racing and just playing around.
16 AnswersMotorcycles2 years agoSnow Moon, Are You Going To View It?
10 AnswersAstronomy & Space2 years agoMotorcycle Swansong?
Been riding/racing motorcycles most of my life and at this age and time the 'party' seems to be ending.
Haven't ridden my bikes for months due to a number of things.
So does anyone have a swansong to fly away with?
Years ago did a short vid about riding dirt with Allman Bros. 'Rememberance Of Elizibeth Reed' as the theme song but somehow lost that tape.
ENJOYED RIDING all these years but the fun times have to stop so the pain doesn't.
7 AnswersMotorcycles2 years agoDo you Think That Trump Needed A Mother-figure?
Nancy said 'NO!'. Over and over again than he halfway agreed now.
Donald is a wimp that doesn't understand women or the government system.
Didn't win by popular voting, won by stupid wimps thinking he was the smartest wimp around in electororal votes.
4 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWhat Parts Of Education Did Triump Miss?
He misspells words, chooses the wrong city with a WALL and numerous other issues.
He doesn't understand HOW DC works.
DC is a slow moving millstone so dicatating its speed seems beyong him.
Go take a break Donald, your misuse of words and misunderstanding of the world is confusing as is rest of your potus status.
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 years agoIs Trump A Beatles Fan?
Does he know the lyrics to Bungalow Bill?
' her name was Mcgill but she called herself Lil and everyone knew her Nancy'.
2 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWas Trump Going To Serve Yesterday's Fast Food Leftovers To The Dems From The Clemson Lunch?
And they said ' No thank you'.
5 AnswersPolitics2 years agoPing-pong Or Poker Politics OR Blackmail?
He shuts the government down while demanding a semi waste of money for His Wall. The Congress calls his bet. He can't raise so he shuts down the whole fed-government to blackmail the ones opposing spending $Billions on his campaign 'promise'.
What a wissy move.
2 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWhat Degree Of Stupid Does The potus Think In?
He orders a shutdown and blames the Dems. Okay, got the logic on that (LOL!)
He fires (aka 'The Apprentice") after they disagree with his way.
He is mind blogging or thinks he is in charge of a whole universe of idiots.
Yes there are idiots that voted him in but they and him are showing the rest of the WORLD how stupid and corrupt the US is
12 AnswersPolitics2 years ago