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- 15Upvotes of all answers to this question
Why did Mitch McCConnel not want to look into 2020 election fraud when it was so blatantly apparent it occured? was he bribed or what?
is he a phony and two faced? is he really putting on a good ole boy conservative act just to appeal to his voters, but really he is on the same team as the Democrats? or what? why?
8 Answers1 week ago - 4Upvotes of all answers to this question
- 10Upvotes of all answers to this question
Could somebody please explain to me why this country is still named after Amerigo Vespucci?
Favourite answer:The United States of Roy just doesn't have that historical ring to it .
8 Answers2 weeks ago - 14Upvotes of all answers to this question
Which retard was worse: adolf sHitler or donald tRump?
Favourite answer:Trump. Hitler knew what he was doing. Trump has no idea that he was killing that many people. He still believes that he’s not responsible. That makes him more dangerous. It’s like a monkey pressing the nuke button without knowing what it does. With hitler, he knows what it does do he can stop pressing the button when he wants.
6 Answers1 week ago - 35Upvotes of all answers to this question
Had Covid not happened, would Trump have gotten reelected?
Did Covid ruin his chances or was he doomed no matter what?
15 Answers2 weeks ago - 11Upvotes of all answers to this question
American Presidents for $500. Who is first US President ever to openly tried to cheat to win in 2 separate elections?
Favourite answer:Oh, oh, I know! I'm waving my hand so you pick me! Donald Trump!
5 Answers2 weeks ago - 0Upvotes of all answers to this question
If Oprah ran for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, who do you think would be president and vice president right now?
How far do you think Oprah's campaign would've gone into the primaries if you don't think she would've won the Democratic nomination?
Thanks for any thoughtful answers you're willing to provide. I hope you find this fun, interesting, and thought-provoking!!
4 Answers1 week ago - 4Upvotes of all answers to this question
- 27Upvotes of all answers to this question
Can the gop win elections if they don't suppress voting?
14 Answers2 weeks ago - 23Upvotes of all answers to this question
Why are companies upset about Georgia wanting to secure their voting system?
Most of those votes were not legit
6 Answers2 weeks ago - 20Upvotes of all answers to this question
Why has it become the case that people have to choose "the least bad candidate" whenever they vote for a politician? ?
why there are not better options? has always been this way? (example how do mayors such as jacob Frey of minneapolis or ted wheeler of portland or jenny Gurgen of Seattle become possibilities? why there are not better choices?)
11 Answers2 weeks ago - 6Upvotes of all answers to this question
How did mayors of cities like Minneapolis, Portland become elected when they are so seemingly unpopular? is it true they are unpopular?
mayors like Jacob Frey or Ted Wheeler, for example or the mayor of Seattle
5 Answers2 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
- 7Upvotes of all answers to this question
Why can't a state have any kind of voting laws that it wants when it comes to just when voting happens?
and even have election day voting only, and only in the hours between say 11:00am and 4:00pm. Sure some people will get upset, but if the legislature passes that law, its the law, and who has the power to force them to open up voting for more hours and why, should anyone outside of that state think they can tell them what to do if the state wants it that way?
7 Answers3 weeks ago - 9Upvotes of all answers to this question
So one arguments the right winger Supreme Court used to dismantle Voting Rights Act was that the South had changed, the Law was not needed?
So, it was not necessary to have rules in place that said States making certain voting law changes could not be doing them to sneakily oppress certain types of voters or make it harder for them to vote. Why have a review system to make sure a thing was not happening when clearly it was no longer happening.
But a strange thing happened as soon as the law was dismantled. Now that the States voting law changed were no longer supervised, the very thing the protections were there to protect against started happening like crazy,
My question is this. When this comes again in front of the Supreme Court as it will soon due to so many new State Voting Law changes that are alleged to be discriminatory and make it harder for certain classes of voters to vote, what will the right wingers justices now argue is their reason for not reinstating the protections?
Someone who does not care to understand how the changes harm certain voters will never see it. The fact remains, that even the smallest voting law changes that seem innocent can have a greater impact on certain groups of voters. Let us say you generally cut early voting down from 4 weeks before the election to 2 weeks, or you reduce the number of places people can vote by half, or cut down the hours when you can vote on election day, or make it extremely difficult to vote by mail, how is that discriminatory some may ask? Well, for one if you make it so that people have to invest more of their time waiting in lines to vote,
10 Answers3 weeks ago - 33Upvotes of all answers to this question
why did trump lose ; the election was rigged or that he lost because he didn't take coronavirus serious ? ?
Favourite answer:Trump lost mainly because he didn't take virus seriously
Other factors were his constant azzkissing of Putin, his constant lying, his constant slander and libel of others and his making the USA a worldwide laughing stock
13 Answers3 weeks ago - 7Upvotes of all answers to this question
Yahoo Take Down is just Ten Days Away! Are you feeling the Excitement Yet?
Favourite answer:With all the glitches, they should take it down now.
4 Answers3 weeks ago - 22Upvotes of all answers to this question
What is Yahoo afraid of?
First they disable comments on news. Now they're shuttering Answers to "promote a healthier platform for social commentary" AKA First Amendment suppression! Is Yahoo afraid people will see the TRUTH instead of the lies their Deep State backers them to feed us?
10 Answers3 weeks ago - 72Upvotes of all answers to this question
- 9Upvotes of all answers to this question
Was Reagan the greatest president after wwII?
Favourite answer:Sorry, I'll have to give that credit to Eisenhower.
8 Answers3 weeks ago