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Graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology. Progressing towards post grad studies. I enjoy what I do and 'healing hearts' as I like to call it, certainly gives me a great amount of satisfaction.

  • Recommended device to calculate speed/pace of running?

    Hi guys! other than the nike + sensor, are there any good nike/adidas merchandise that runners might like with regard to calculating speed and pace of running?

    Your suggestions would be very much appreciated!


    4 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • what theories can I apply that support health promotion?

    My argumentative essay is with regard to the fact that health promotion after adolescents fails to create an impact. I was wondering if anyone has come across a theory or theories that support the above hypothesis? :) Thank you

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Can anyone explain the term "stochastic?"?

    I understand that its a condition that happens (human life) and that traits become ''lucky'' & move on to higher order.. and something about environmental change relating to instantaneous change? I hope to understand this concept better! Any help given will be appreciated (:

    2 AnswersAnthropology1 decade ago
  • "gapugus" - I came across this term during Anthropology?

    Does anyone know what this means? I think its linked to charles darwin in some way!

    1 AnswerAnthropology1 decade ago
  • Social mobility? vertically/horizontally?

    I'm a little confused about the social mobility concept. What are some examples of social mobility being vertical or horizontal? Also... does vertical equal to upward social mobility and horizontal equal to downward? or does that have no relevance? haha. Any help given would be appreciated. Thank you! (:

    2 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Anthropology & Psychology?

    How does anthropology complement psychology?

    3 AnswersAnthropology1 decade ago
  • Double Aspect Theory?

    Can someone explain to me what the double aspect theory is about? (Spinzo, 1652 - 1677) The stuff I have read about is way to technical. Examples would be great! Thank you :)

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Father of Modern Philosophy?

    I understand that Rene Descartes is the father of modern philosophy. I was just wondering how does Aristotle also known as ''the philosopher'' and Plato fit into this and what are their theories? I have read about these three but not in so much detail hence I'm hoping to get a better understanding. Thanks!

    9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Inspiring books on being a pilot?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone knew of any inspiring books (fiction or non fiction) that I could get for a friend who has a passion for flying. He's 21. I am hoping to inspire him further and maybe help him be a little more decisive on a future career path :) Any help given would be very much appreciated. Thank you :)

    4 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Movies Relating to Mental Disorders?

    Hi there,

    Anyone know of any good movies relating to any Psychological disorder? It could be anything. I've got quite a lot of time to kill before my term starts so thought renting a bunch of movies relating to my passion was a good idea! :)

    Any suggestions given would be appreciated. Thanks in advance guys!

    14 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Adding chocolate syrup to white milk or just getting chocolate milk?

    We all know how kids are crazy about chocolate. There are kids that can't stand fresh white milk. I was just wondering, which would be a better choice? adding Hershey's chocolate syrup to fresh white milk or just getting chocolate milk? what would be the difference between the both and a ''healthier'' choice for the child?

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Coronary Heart Disease?

    How can the term "risk factor" be explained? What are some behavioral risk factors for coronary heart disease?

    I understand that the first symptom of coronary heart disease may be a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest. This is why medical professionals use screening tests to detect the presence and severity of coronary disease before it causes problems or sends an individual to an emergency department with severe symptoms.

    Thanks in advance :)

    6 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Bad muscle ache after gym workout!?

    I've been hitting the gym thrice a week for the past two weeks. Its only yesterday that I started to experience really bad muscle aches. My entire body feels sore! Especially on areas of the joints of both my arms and legs. Its seriously a killer, I can barely move lol.

    Any advice?

    Staying home on new year's is sooo not the plan :P

    Thanks in advance guys :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Recording a Mic & Webcam convo?

    Does anyone have any idea how to record a microphone & webcam conversation for free through any Messenger or service online?


    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do you heal a broken heart?

    How do you keep the faith that love is not another illusion?

    How do you trust someone with your heart again?

    Its funny how I've been answering questions like this & now feeling like I could do with some help myself or views from your perspective :)

    I know hearts take time to heal. Its hard though, when the person you've looked for all your life turns out to be someone that dosnt even realise that the pieces fit.

    Im sorry if I sound silly.

    Thank you for taking time to answer my question/s.

    10 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Help pls! Negative Stereotyping?

    Pls define negative stereotyping ...

    what is the effect on special education students?

    what we need to lessen these effects?

    what does the child go through?

    References would be helpful. Thanks in advance! ;)

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why is vicarious learning important?

    Why is vicarious learning important? What are the factors that would influence the effectiveness of vicarious learning? Is Vicarious learning considered to be observational learning? Definitions & References would be good.

    My module: Principles of Psychology of Learning.

    THANKS! (:

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • 1) Why do some students learn more than others?

    2) What can be done to improve that learning?

    - Related to Educational Psychology :)

    20 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What Basic Elements Of Psychology Are To be Considered For Education?

    My essay has to consists of 1500 words ):

    Here are afew points... I need help expanding. I'd like to know your views & opinions.

    - Main points: Learning, Language, Intelligence, Motivation.

    - Motivation = Craving, Drive, Desire, Discovery, Inventions.

    - Learning = Emotions = Decisions, Consequences.

    Any help given would be very much appreciated. Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago